

German Plan of Attack on London
General Officer Commanding I Air Corps Grauert

The following is the plan of attack that the German Luftwaffe has been ordered to make on the destruction of London, and will be carried as out follows:

1. Bomber operations:

On the evening of 7.9.1940 Luftflotte 2 will conduct a major strike against the target Loge*
To this end, the following units will operate in succession:
For the initial attack: at 1800 one KG of II Air Corps.
For the main attack: at 1840 II Air Corps, at 1845 I Air Corps to be reinforced by KG 30.

2. Disposition of I Air Corps Units:

KG 30 (plus II KG/76) on the right.
KG I central.
KG 76 (less II / KG76) on the left.
For targets see General Appendix

3. Fighter Cover:  

a). Purpose of initial attack is to force English fighters into the air so that they will have reached end of endurance at time of main attack.

b). Fighter escort will be provided by Jafu 2 in the proportion of one fighter Geschwader for each bomber Geschwader.

c). ZG 76 (for this operation under I Air Corps Command) will, from 1840, clear the air of enemy fighters over I Air Corps targets, thereby covering attack and retreat of bomber formations.

d). Jafu 2 guarantees two fighter Geschwader to cover I and II Air Corps.

4. Execution:

a). Rendezvous: To be made with fighter escort before crossing coast. Bombers will fly direct.  

b). Courses: KG 30, St Omer - just south of Cap Griz Nez - railway fork north of 'Seveneae' - to the   target.
    KG I, St Pol - mouth of la Slack - Riverhead - to the target.  
    KG 76, Hesdin - north perimeter Boulogne - Westerham - to target.  

c). Fighter escort:
    JG 26 for KG 30.  
    JG 54 for KG I.  
    JG 27 for KG 26.  
In view of the fact that the fighters will be operating at the limit of their endurance, it is essential that direct courses be flown and the attack completed in minimum time.  

d). Flying altitudes after rendezvous with fighters:  
    KG 30 = 5,000 - 5,500 metres (16,400 - 18,000 feet).  
    KG I   = 6,000 - 6.500 metres (19,700 - 21,300 feet).  
    KG 76 = 5,000 - 5,500 metres (16,400 - 18,000 feet).  
To stagger heights as above will provide maximum concentration of attacking force. On return flight some loss of altitude is permissible, in order to cross the English coast at approximately 4,000 metres (13,000 feet).  

e). The intention is to complete the operation in a single attack. In the event of units failing to arrive directly over target, other suitable objectives in Loge* may be bombed from altitude of approach. 

f). Return flight: After releasing bombs, formations will turn to starboard, KG 27 will do so with care after first establishing that starboard units have already attacked.  
Return course will then be: Maidstone - Dymchurch - escort fighter bases.  

g). Bomb loads: He III and Ju 88 no 50kg bombs, 20% incendiaries, 30% delayed-action 2-4 hour and 10-14  hour (the latter without concussion fuses).  
    Do 17 to carry 25% disintegrating containers with B1, EL and no SD 50.  
    Load only to be limited by security of aircraft against enemy flak.  
    Fuel sufficient for completion of operation to be carried only.  

5. To achieve the necessary maximum effect it is essential that units fly as highly concentrated forces during approach, attack and especially on return. The main objective of the operation is to prove that the Luftwaffe can achieve this.

The Battle of Britain - 1940 website © Battle of Britain Historical Society 2007